
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mystic Monday...on Tuesday


Hi All,

This week Savannah and I are both writing as we were at the Dark Waters Ghost Tour in Stevens Point hosted by Kristin's Riverwalk and Stevens Point Paranormal Club, (which I'm the Medium for)

Anyway let's get started. Savannah has pictures : )

First off, I want to say “Thanks” to all of you for finding us on Tuesday instead of Monday. I was so wiped out and got home later on Sunday than expected, that while driving home and talking to Savannah—no worries I have bluetooth in the car— she said "Hon, go to bed and we'll do the blog on Tuesday." Needless to say I went to sleep shortly after unpacking.

Second, I want to give a BIG THANK YOU to Kristin. Her place is amazing and you should go check it out. Great food and people and you may get lucky and see some ghosts or have stuff happen. Then I want to give a BIG THANK YOU to my friend who put up with my crazy schedule this weekend and gave me a place to sleep while in Stevens Point. I know I said it before but thanks for putting up with me running in to change my clothes and quick out the door to Kristin's and then back to sleep and then starting all over again on Saturday.

Ok with all that said let's get started with Friday night's tours and readings. Now for those of you that don't know Kristin's Riverwalk is Haunted. We (SPPC) have done investigations there and have experienced some strange stuff. I'm setting up in a back table Friday night and a little boy comes running through the back game room past my table and down the hall laughing. (ghost child loves to move things around) I've met him on another occasion as we were investigating there a few months back. He's a little stinker. Well by the end of the night and all his running through, I was about ready to grab the little stinker by the hood of the sweatshirt and plop him on a chair.

The team arrived so I had time for a quick round of “Hi” and hugs before we all got started. Tours started at 4pm, but my readings started at 3pm. I was booked a week in advance and full through until midnight, with maybe a 45 minute break.

My first crazy thing started with a reading for a dad and his daughter. They had booked an hour together. Unknown to me (until they sat down) they were on a mission to talk to a crossed over loved one— their son/brother. When they sat down and we started the usual talk my chest felt like someone put a huge rock on it or like I was being crushed. I couldn't breathe. I looked at both of them and said could you please excuse me a second because my chest not only hurts but it feels like I'm being crushed. They started to tear up. So I quickly stepped away from the table and cut my cords and “grounded” hoping that would do it. Nope, as soon as I sat down again, the weight was back. It felt like something was being pushed into my chest taking the wind right out of me. Dad said I don't want to say too much but my son died and his chest was crushed in a car accident. So as we talked and went through their reading they shared some amazing pictures of signs from their loved one they had taken, but they really really wanted a sign from him while with me. I took out my flash light and placed it on the table. At that moment the son appeared to me and I said they really want a sign that they would understand, can you please turn the light on for them or blow out the candle. He replied "I can't the air is too thick and heavy in here, I just can't do it." I told him it was ok and could he just do something to show them he was with them right now. The dad started to get cold and then a shiver went down his back and the sister said she had a really bad pain go down her leg and when she said to “stop it, it hurts”, it got a little worse than better and dad said, “You know he never lets up on you when you tell him to.” : ) So there was the sign they needed to know that he was ok. I felt bad because I couldn't get much information from the son because whatever it was in the building was preventing him from doing so.

As the night went on more people wanted to contact crossed over loved ones and some were strong enough to get through the energy and ghosts that where in the building. There were a few that came through to show me where things were that they wanted their people to find. So I’m really excited to hear from those people as to what they find.

 For readings the theme of the night seemed to be Balance and Dreams.

Now let me explain both. Most of the readings I did that night the people picked one or the other or both cards. It was just too strange that those two cards kept coming up reading after reading after reading.

So here is the lesson for us all,

Balance- when you draw this card you need to take time to look at what isn't working in your busy life. Are you spending too much time at work and not enough at home, are you spending so much time on family and friends that you have none for yourself? What is it that is setting you off balance? Then take it back and spend time doing that so that you are in balance.

Dreams- Huge with the Halloween energy and crossed over loved ones coming through. Halloween is that time of year when the veil between the worlds thins out and the spirits can cross into our world very easy. One of the ways they can communicate is through dreams. I suggest you get a notebook and pen and put it by the bed so you can write down your dreams. When you are in that state of almost asleep they can communicate with you pretty well so you may start having dreams of grandma or grandpa or a great grandpa you never met. Don't judge it. Write it down and look at it later and figure it out then. Another thing about dreams is this is the time when you work things out that are going on in your life. You can be taken to different places by your guides to kinda go to school to evolve your soul. So you are learning as you are dreaming. When you're not dreaming you really are doing something you just don't remember it so you think you're not dreaming.

Saturday afternoon I got a call from Savannah that she and my cousin Rick were coming to Stevens Point to do the Ghost Tour. Well, when I arrived at Kristin's I told Freddy who was super excited to meet Savannah. Needless to say she had her picture taken with everyone there.

Savannah will fill you in on the bus tour as I was so busy reading for people I never made it on a tour : ( …maybe next year.

Saturday night for some reason was an easier night for spirits to cross over to communicate with me and clients. I had once again many people who had things they needed to find.

Lots of people asking about love and am I with the right person, why does it feel this way or that way? The usual. I was able to pop in on a few tours and tell about what I felt at places or try to get our equipment to go off with the resident ghost. Friday night we had a great night during the presentation for the ghost to work our equipment and play with the audience. Saturday I'm not too sure because one of the local ghost who doesn't really like me made me sick so I wouldn't stay in the room.

How about a little background. The bus went to Club Forest. Here I saw "ghost dogs" running and playing out front. When Val researched the place afterwards she found out that it had been a place that raised purebred dogs. There was also mob energy there like crazy. It was rumored that back in the day the little houses out back were there for the women the men kept as, well, shall we say “entertainment”. Then I was able to make contact with the resident ghost Melvin and his girlfriend. I was told by him there was a bad or negative ghost there and they wanted him gone. During the “reveal” we told the owners and they agreed there was one that felt not so great there and they'd like him gone as well. So I went to work on that.

Kristin's Riverwalk. While investigating there, and there is video on Facebook and through the clubs webpage, I made contact with a shop keeper James, a little girl Angela and then the little boy as he ran through the dining room. I was also able to get a little on Mr. G.

You'll want to check out the teams site at to hear the recordings and see some pictures. Freddy also had the tours listen to some of the work we did at The First Ward School in Wisconsin Rapids. We had some great EVP's there.

The Bloody Bride Bridge and a trip I had taken with my friend Rob from Stevens Point was the trip that started all of this. Rob and I had been out ghost hunting Stevens Point one Saturday afternoon a few years ago. He wanted to see if there was any real hauntings connected so some places. The only "equipment" we had were our cameras and, well, me! But I was still trying to get back my abilities and not too sure of myself. We had gone to the bridge on 66 and I could feel right away on the trail like someone was watching us and following along. The path took us to a marble bench which I sat on. The bench was inscribed with "Rest and relax with Margo". Now if you go to Facebook or the website to check out the pictures please excuse my bad hair. It was pretty unruly that day and I had it up in a ponytail, but took it out to channel Reiki to the bench and see what would pop out. My hands had started to tingle when I told Rob to start snapping pictures (never thinking they would be posted for people to look at) and there she was next to me. We took off and went to another friend’s house and we were all sitting in the driveway talking when I started flipping through the pictures on the cameras and then just about fell out of my chair when I saw the ones taken by the bench. You could clearly see an outline of a woman in a long dress and short cape sitting next to me. It was incredible. When Freddy saw the picture through the friend whose house we were at, he got in contact with me to see about going out to the bridge. You know to this day I don't think Freddy and I have been there at the same time. But it's the place that started it all. : )

My camera continues to get the "holy grail" shots when we are out. At Club Forest I caught an apparition in the parking lot along with a mist we couldn't recreate. In Wausau at a sports store, I caught a light shooting from the stairs to the next room. In the school house I caught the orbs (kids) around the flash lights playing Ring around the Roses and we all fall down (when they were gone a second after the picture with all of the orbs in it).

Being with the club has just been amazing. Freddy says he has dibs on my camera if I want to get rid of it. I think I'll keep it.

All and all it was a fun weekend and we had a great time. I can't wait for next year......

If you have any questions please feel free to comment. I will be at Savannah's house next Saturday to do a Reading and Reiki Party. Then I’m off to Shell Lake on the 10th for an expo. Thanksgiving weekend may fill up as there have been a few can I come back ideas floating around.


Happy Halloween everyone and Blessings,


 Wendy Jackson
Intuitive Healer/Reiki Master

Hi everyone! As Wendy mentioned, Rick & I were at loose ends for our Saturday when plans to visit my son for his birthday fell through because he was mandated to work the weekend. So we decided to check out the Ghost Tour and visit Wendy!
As you can see Wendy wasn’t kidding about the food at Kristen’s Riverwalk being good! We arrived to find her having her dinner, LOL!
By the way, after the tour we had dinner ourselves and I have to agree with Wendy, the food is awesome!
After Wendy finished eating she still had a bit of free time before her next client appointment so we decided to do a quick reading.
**I need to say here that when I turned the camera on for Rick to take some pictures, as I was getting ready to hand it to him I looked and was surprised to find that the view area had a lot of static. Okay, digital cameras shouldn’t have that! I thought something was wrong with my camera and started to tell Wendy and Rick…I showed Wendy and she very nonchalantly said, “Yeah, no surprise here, there’s lots of ghost energy.” Ok, maybe she is use to that, however, I’m not! LOL Still it was pretty cool and later when we went out to the bus for the tour the static stopped. When we returned and went in the room for the presentation, the static returned. But as you can see the pics turned out fine.
Here I am shuffling the cards…I choose the Angel card deck.
And shuffling…
Then the cards were spread out in front of me and I proceeded to think about what I wanted answers for and then I picked my 5 cards…
And as Wendy said the “Balance” card even came up for me! The 5 cards I chose were...
1.    Balance
2.    Arc Angel Michael
3.    Miracle
4.    Truth & Integrity
5.    Divine Timing
Wendy explained in detail what each card meant and I have to say as always, she was insightful and spot on.
Rick had a reading too!
He chose the Goddess cards…
I’m not sure if it’s that whole cousin thing or what, but in this pic they look like they’re having too much fun, me and Wendy looked so serious, lol.
Rick’s 5 chosen cards were...

1.    Home

2.    Independence

3.    Purification

4.    Receptivity

5.    Sulis

After our readings Wendy told me that Freddy was dying to meet me…

While waiting to get on the bus, the SPPC had some pictures of evidence from their investigations on a table for people to check out. The photos were pretty amazing.

Then it was time for our tour! Freddy was our tour guide (wonder how that happened, lol) and he did an really awesome job retelling the tales of a few of the haunted places in Stevens Point as the bus drove past the buildings. The spooky background music added to the ambiance of the evening.

They even had “props” : ) One of the eerie tales had to do with a hanging, so they passed around a noose for us to check out!
Ughhh, bad pic of me : (
The tour lasted about 45 minutes, then we were taken back inside for a 30 minute presentation by the Stevens Point Paranormal Club. Freddy explained about some of their equipment and how it all works and told us about some of their experiences. He placed the meters randomly around the room and we were lucky enough to have a “visit” by the little girl Angela and another entity. The meters gauges moved, lit up and beeped! It was so cool! I wish I had gotten better pictures, but everyone was sitting on stools so it made it kind of hard.

Trust me though, it was very cool and when Freddy started asking questions, they even responded by moving the meter a few times. There was also some video footage we got to watch, as well as some audio to listen to. I must say the evidence was pretty creepy.

After that, we pretty much called it a night. It was late and we had that 2 hour drive back home. If you get a chance go on over and check out the site of the SPPC, there’s a lot of info and interesting stuff there.
  If you live in Wisconsin and you are ever close enough to go to an event the club is doing, I highly recommend you do! They are an amazing group of people who enjoy what they do, and talking to them about their investigations is interesting to say the least.
I’m sure next week’s blog will be pretty interesting too, I’m having a Reading and Reiki healing party at my house, so you won’t want to miss that!

With that, I wish you all a Happy Halloween!

Hugs & Nightmares,

Savannah Rayne






  1. Heeeeyyyy! We have a small orb in the photo where we are spreading your cards. It's back to the right, kinda in between us. Check it out! See ghosts were messing with your camera!
    It was fun! Blessings:)

  2. I know, I saw it after I downloaded the pics last night!Wooohoooo! I can't tell you how cool everything was. I'm looking forward to Saturday, oh, and say "HI" to Freddy for me! He and the entire group was awesome!

  3. What an awesome blog, ladies. I loved the pics and the explanation of the cards. I am so jealous of the trip, it looks like quite an experience.

  4. ohh man that sounded so exciting..I cant wait to hear more about this on sat..hey Savannah..did you notice there is also a tiny orb on the pic of you and Freddy..its just between you and his head on that back wall..its small but its there..maybe one of the kids?
