Monday, December 15, 2014

Mystic Monday

Happy Mystic Monday!!  I’m back!  Woohoo!!  I’m so sorry I was out for a while. It’s just been crazy here but I have a lot to share and a great deal of things I’m working on to throw out there, so let’s get started with everything shall we?  Okay get your coffee or pop or whatever it is you do while reading and let’s get started!

Dates that are very important this week:

Sunday the 21st is the day that is so full of stuff. The New Moon is here so do your ritual for releasing that which isn’t serving your highest good anymore.

Also the 21st is YULE and Winter Solstice! The days get a little longer. Who doesn’t like more sunlight? I know here in Wisconsin it helps us snap out of the winter blahs. So I can’t wait!

We are going to talk about 12th night and Yule energy next week. Why? Because during this time between the 21st and January 6thish the veil between the worlds thins out much like Halloween only longer, which means all kinds of strange things can happen. So we want to be aware of that and how it affects our energy and people around us. Keep that in the back of your mind.

Today let’s talk about Past Life healing. Yes, I know we’ve talked past lives before but I’ve been working lately with past lives and healing through them. Not a new idea though because a friend of mine who is a healing-touch practitioner introduced me to a book by Brian L. Weiss, MD called “Miracles Happen”. I am reading through this book and it’s pretty good. You get to read experiences everyday people have with bringing forward a past life and acknowledging it, and then how it heals or gives them an Ah-ha moment with this life. Which has been going kinda hand and hand with what I’ve been working on.

The last few expos I have gone to this year was to have work done on myself ; I’ve met up with friends and have worked on them. This is where the guides are teaching me psychic surgery in a way. With one friend in general, whenever we work together I end up sent back to a past life of his to heal that life which in turn heals something, usually pain or a dislike of his in this life.

Here is how a session goes with past life regression with who we will call John. Now with John this works totally different because when I get into his aura we are both sent back to the life that needs looking at instead of me walking him through a meditation to regress back to the life that needs work. So this is a different way that just works and is different then what I would do with say, Savannah, if I was doing a session with her.

So John will lay on my Reiki table and I’ll open his aura and get into his energy by hovering my hands a few inches above his body and moving them down this aura from head to toe and back. I am feeling his energy for any stuck spots that will feel like pins and needles in my hands. When I come to an area like this I stop and think what needs to be looked at here. 9 times out of 10, I will instantly get a feeling or a picture of what is going on or I will just know. This happened and I instantly got cold to the point of freezing during a session and when I told him what I was feeling he said “oh yeah I’m seeing a  lake where in that life I fell through and I’m in the water from waist down trying to pull myself out.”  Okay, so then I’m asking what is it we need to look at here? What made you go out to the ice and by talking back and forth we can pin point what it is as we are both seeing this life play out, what needs to be healed. Okay, then here comes the weird stuff, I can then fill the area of the body in that life with healing white light and physically fix any broken bones or injuries in that life which then heals the pain in this lifetimes body. I know, crazy right? But John no longer sees a chiropractor for injuries we healed from a past life that affected this lifetime’s body. We’ve also uncovered things that he strongly dislikes and have gotten past those issues as well.
Now you can release emotional pain as well through past life regression and healing. I have experienced a few situations where this has helped. It’s about going back to the life that the emotional attachment with someone has been severed or abused, or for some reason there is something there to look at. Once at the lifetime this occurred you can heal by watching or knowing the outcome then going back and working with the higher self then and changing the memory to heal the higherselves involved in the situation. Thus when you are done and have acknowledged that life things in this life take a few days but work out when your higher self has integrated that into your knowledge and energy. You will then see some changes in your attitudes and way you would deal with whatever it is you are going through.

Now these are just some things I’ve been working on personally over the last few months. I highly recommend reading up on past lives if you are interested. There is an amazing book by Ted Andrews called “How to Discover Your Past Lives”. Highly recommend the read. It will help introduce you to some of your past life memories and get you going on this path to healing if that is what you are interested in.

I am available for sessions, small group parties and classes. The website I am working on redesigning and will post upcoming classes and events for 2015. I will also work classes in via distance if you are interested but not close enough to take a class. Email me at with questions or times you’d like to set up.

Have an amazing Yule and best wishes.

Blessings All,

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