Hi All,
First off, Happy Fourth of July!

Now let's get into what this week is about. Karma and Past Lives. What? Oh yeah we're going there so we can clean it up and move forward.
Last week we talked about the other side. We've talked about in previous weeks about how you chart your lessons when you are on the other side before you come into this life to learn. Your guides are part of keeping you on your path to learn your lessons so that you can evolve.
What is Karma? Ask anyone and you'll get Karma is what comes around goes around. What you put out will come back at you. What you do, good or bad will come back to you. Some believe that this is true and it can come back to you over life times since many times the people you are with in this life time can be people you were with in past life times.
Past Lives are simply that. Lives you've lived before this one. Karma can be created in a past life and carried over to your current one just as memories from past lives can surface in this life time. Now, that is a subject that I could go on and on about because it's so interesting. My idea here is to introduce you to the concept.
Past life regressions can help you figure out what karma you are working out or if karma is done(finished) with a particular person. I'm always amazed at how many people in this life played a part in my past lives. I had one friend go in and have a past life regression done only to call me to tell me that I was in a past life with her that she had worked on that day and had worked out some karma that I had no clue I had caused or was part of for her.

Reiki has also helped me see past lives to help clients with relationship issues.

Ok I know this was pretty brief so if you have questions or need some direction on where to take this please ask away.
I wanted to bring this up because Karma is something we all have and work through. But because this is a blog it's hard sometimes to "get into" something that could take a while.
More next Monday J
Blessings All,
Wendy Jackson
Intuitive Healer/Reiki Master
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