Monday, January 28, 2013

Mystic Monday

Hi All,

Who remembered to Manifest on Saturday night? Well I didn’t do my usual ritual but I did a bunch of work on myself with the help of my friend Karen. (Bless her for putting up with me)

Ok I wanted to talk about love and life this week, but Savannah says keep that for Valentine’s Day week : )

Let’s knock out February dates you should know:

February 2nd is Imbolc We’ll talk more about this.

February 10th is the New Moon ~ New Beginnings.

February 18th Celtic Tree month of the Ash begins.

February 25th is the Full Moon so manifest!

That should take us through February.

Imbolc is many things through the Celtic traditions. It’s a day for celebrating women who are unmarried. A day for celebrating ewes and lambs. Imbolc stands for purity, growth and renewal, fertility and the reunion of the God and Goddess. It’s also a day for celebrating the Goddess Brighid. With all that said we will focus on purity and cleansing yourself and your space.

Spring cleaning is in order. Get rid of all the stuff you don’t use anymore. By clearing out the ‘stuff’ you can make room for new stuff to come into your life.

Growth and renewal ~ focus on you and what you want and what isn’t serving your highest good.

Fertility ~ asking the goddess to help you grow your ideas and what you want. Write it all out and come up with a clear path for you to achieve what it is you want.

Most of all use this day to tell the Goddess everything you are thankful for and ask for her blessing as she helps you go forward in this new year.

Set your day with a ritual if you want or a simple meditation on what it is you’d like to achieve and give your thanks.

So this week make your preparations for clearing your crap out (very technical term, lol) and making way for the new that will come in. That is your homework! Take the time and really think about it. Be honest with yourself. A trick I was taught this week which is so simple it’s brilliant, is talk to yourself like a you are listening to your best friend. What would you tell your best friend? What crap could your best friend get rid of? What in your life needs to go because it’s dragging you down or isn’t for your highest good? What physical garbage can go, as well as the relationship, or emotional garbage?

I’ve set before you my friends a hard task. Good luck and celebrate it all on Imbolc.

I want to quick touch on the Ash tree. Ash is a very powerful tree. It is the tree that in Norse tradition is the world tree. Ash attracts love and prosperity, strength and harmony. It also aides in protection and healing. Call on Ash to assist you in any of these things.

Blessings All,


Wendy Jackson
Intuitive Healer/Reiki Master

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