Monday, October 1, 2012

Mystic Monday's


Hi All,

I cannot believe it’s October already! Wow!

Ok, Savannah and I were talking about what to write about today because I’ve been busy this weekend with a tweaking of the Nemeton Energy System manual and I’m also working on a book.

So we were kicking around some ideas and I think I’m going to go with reading Angel Cards because I tend to share stories and well I have one from this weekend.

Doing what I do, I can read on the “fly” as we say, or use Angel cards to read for my clients or myself. Now I will say reading for myself is a bit hard because I am emotionally invested in the problem or guidance I seek. Angel cards are a tool that gives the client something tangible to see while I share the information I receive from the other side.

Let's back up. What are Angel Cards? Angel cards are decks of inspirational cards that Doreen Virtue has come up with to help people communicate with their angels. These cards have little meanings attached to them with beautiful artwork of angels. Each deck comes with a small book describing the card and the message associated with it. There are different types of decks that Doreen Virtue has out there. I have the Goddess deck, Healing with the Angels and one other that just has too many words on the cards so I don’t use them much.

Unlike Tarot cards Angel cards do not have a negative meaning. Most are positive or about the lesson you are learning.

When I do a reading for someone, I have them think of a question they want guidance for, while they shuffle the cards for as long as they want. When they are done I spread the cards out. Once the cards are spread out I ask the client to pick five. Then I turn the cards over and we discuss the cards and from there, messages that come through.

Now it’s my job to speak the message from the angels, spirit guides, or crossed over loved ones and not judge it.

This weekend I had something happen that really took the wind out of my sails Friday night. By Saturday, I was pretty down in the dumps because the event that took place on Friday, even though I kinda saw it coming and I had been advised by a few readers prior that it would blow over and things would be great, came to a halt and a parting of ways. So Saturday night, to pull myself up and clear my energy out and manifest—because you can't waste a good harvest moon over a little depression and self-pity—I started to set the area up by burning some clearing oils a friend from the expos I do, made. That helped release a bunch of crap. I could feel a change in the energy already.

So then I sat to say my prayer of intent and then read off my list to manifest for the night. After giving up my list of wants to the full moon and the Universe, I figured I’d do a reading. Ok so now I’m emotional so reading is probably going to be way off because when you’re attached to what you are reading for you may not read correctly.

Well I had cards come up that just didn’t seem right, but then I did something I rarely do and picked up the book to read the description of the card. I found out the description gave me better guidance than the cards. I looked at the one word title on the cards and understood the one like Forgiveness, Surrender and Release, Blessings and Abundance, but Serenity? Really? How the crap do you feel Serenity when your mind is going 100 mph and you can’t wrap your head around what just happened to make you feel so crappy. Really? What the heck are the guides thinking with this one or any of these? How are these the guidance I’m asking for? Ok forgive the person got it, release it not easy but, ok, blessings what? and abundance? Forgiveness isn't forgiving the situation, it’s forgiving the person and not the action. Instead you say, “I am no longer willing to carry around the pain caused by your actions”. Ok, that spoke volumes to me.

Then I moved onto Surrender and Release which to me means cut ties and give it to the angels to figure out. But I read the book and it said to “Let it go. Ask God and the angels to help you. Everything you release that no longer serves you will be healed and returned to you or replaced with something better.” Well Ok that was a HUGE eye opener. I mean you hear it from your healers but this was one of those ‘ah ha’ moments.

Serenity- The mistake people make is you don’t have to wait to have a problem free life to be happy. First you work towards happiness and peace then your life challenges occur less frequently and disappear.

So the guidance I received from that reading was to forgive the person but to stand strong from the situation. Give the situation over to the angels and God to either heal and return it or to make room for better.

That was the big one all together and the last one of Serenity was to figure out what really makes me happy.

Then a strange thing happened, a healer friend of mine sent a small post which was a total pick me up on Sunday and she had no idea what I was going through and how badly I needed to hear what she posted. The angels were giving another sign I think, keep moving forward and it will fall into place. So with today's blog I move forward.

I encourage you to go purchase a set of angel cards if you are feeling it’s right for you to do and go with your gut for the meaning but then as I have learned check it if you think “what the crap?”

How many of you remembered to use the energy of the full moon Saturday to manifest? I did but I did in a different way because the boys had friends over and I didn’t want to carry my supplies out to the deck and chance one of them seeing me. So I kept to my space and manifested inside.

HALLOWEEN IS COMING!! Oh Yeah! We will be talking about that in upcoming Mondays. A little history, a little where does it fall on the Wheel of the Year, the Veil between worlds and all that good stuff. I will also have stories later on from the ghost tours in Stevens Point at the end of the month. I am also super excited to be doing a party at Savannah’s house. So make sure you’re on the guest list. Not in the area or busy, no problem. Go to my website and set up a distance reading!

Have an Amazing first week of October.


Happy Birthday to my Mom today!


Blessings All,



Wendy Jackson

Intuitive Healer/Reiki Master


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