Monday, June 24, 2013

Mystic Monday


Happy Monday to you All!

This week Wendy will not be posting her usual Mystic Monday, due to spending a long weekend moving into her new home. I wish her all the best and that her new home is filled with much love and happiness. Wendy will be back next week to share with all of us topics that will help enrich our lives.

To fill in here’s a little bio on Wendy…

As a child, I had abilities that I could not understand. I could sense and sometimes see Earth-bound spirits. I could also through prayer heal or make symptoms better for sick or injured animals.

During my high school years, I began to rediscover energy through working with crystals. But it was not until the birth of my second son and a battle with postpartum depression that I was referred to a Reiki practitioner. Soon after taking Reiki Level l, my childhood abilities began to come back to me. I soon became a Reiki Master and began to explore other systems of Reiki along with other forms of healing with energy. Sometimes I am guided to use sound, aromatherapy and even gemstones in my Reiki sessions to assist with wellness. My Reiki sessions have really turned into intuitive healing sessions because they are a mix of everything.

I have been practicing as a Reiki Master for almost 10 years. I’ve learned that Reiki and Intuitive Healing work is what I was doing as a child. Over the last eight years I have studied hard to bring back my ability to communicate with Earth-bound spirits and crossed-over loved ones.

I have done Medium work with and with The Haunting Experiments.

I currently hold a B.S. from the University of Wisconsin Stout in Human Development and Family Studies. After working on a Master’s of Science in Holistic Therapies, I continued my education and received a PhD in Integrated Wellness through the Midwest University of Holistic Health.

Please contact me at or with

Thank you and Blessings,

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