Monday, April 28, 2014

Mystic Monday

Hi All! What a great weekend. But before we go there let’s get some dates out of the way.

Tuesday is the New Moon. Time to release all that is not working for us. Make your list of everything that isn’t for your highest good and burn that baby under the moon’s high energy for ending things and releasing.

Thursday is May 1st. BELTANE! We will talk more later of this holiday.

I want to remind everyone of the word WANT. Why? Well it came up a great deal in my readings this weekend in Eau Claire,WI. Remember the definition of “want” is that you have a lack of something. So when you tell the universe, “I want blah, blah”, the universe answers with,“Yes you do, and so you shall have more lack of blah blah.”  Replace the word want with, “Universe, I would like to bring into my life…. Or I am happy and grateful for having blah, blah.” It’s interesting how difficult it can be to get around this one word.

Happy Beltane this week!

This is one of the big eight Sabbats in Wicca tradition. The veils between the worlds will be thinning on this day as they do on Halloween. Beltane is the Sabbot opposite of Halloween and marks the half year.

Beltane is the celebration of summer. This was the day that marked the time to bring cattle to the summer pastures. On this night people often preformed protection rituals to keep their animals, families, and crops safe throughout the year. Bonfires we historically used in the celebrations and rituals.

Beltane is also associated with fertility. This is the night when the god and goddess meet and mate.

Here is an amazing link on Beltane if you are interested in reading up on the holiday.

A little about the event this weekend. I was in Eau Claire, WI for a Psychic and Wellness Fair. It was so good to see so many friends that I have not seen in almost a year or better. I need to send out a huge thank you to Frank for the mini sound healing session he gave me before the event started. It was much needed and I believe turned my entire energy around. The event was very busy and I saw many people. Most events I do card readings more than I do Reiki. I was actually going to leave my Reiki table at home for this event and just focus on signing the book and card readings. Well, before I left I had this nagging feeling I should take the table with me. I listened and did, and a good thing to. I was so busy with Reiki sessions it was amazing. The day was so busy I didn’t stop with clients until, just a little after 5pm. 

Charkas were the big issue this time around. I pass this on to remind us all to meditate to work on keeping our chakras clean and balanced with meditations. I was also reminded this weekend how much I need to make the time to meditate and not let life get in the way of my time to practice, even if I only take 5 minutes.

So like all of you, it’s time for me to get back into the saddle so-to-speak and take back my time to meditate from my busy life. I get it, some days it’s just too easy to say I’m so tired I’m just going to bed. 

I want to put it out there as I reminder that I will do parties. Get your like-minded friends together and for $25 dollars a person everyone can get a reading or a Reiki session. As a hostess, if you book 6 people then your session or reading is free. J
I will also be setting up dates for beginning classes for Reiki and Intuitive Healing. So check the webpage or in a month to see some dates and how to sign up. I can also come to you to teach a class. Drop me an email and book your date!

Blessings All,

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