Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve...

Well it’s the last day of 2013. This year has been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. It was filled with some pretty amazing, happy moments, splashed with quite a few not so happy ones. 

It was filled with change. Relationships, both personal and professional started… and ended. I always have believed in the whole “reasons for everything” and I can say I’m not at all surprised with what has occurred during this year. In both cases, some will be greatly missed…and others not so much. But even though some doors closed, twice as many were opened! Additionally, I was reunited with people I thought I’d never hear from again. Such a wonderful gift!


 2013 also brought the passing of several of my loved ones. Those people will be missed the rest of my life and will never be forgotten.

I also faced many challenges. But me being me, I tackled them head on hoping for the best! In some cases the result worked out okay, and in some situations I’m still waiting for the right answer to present itself. I have faith it will and never give up hope. I also realize that even those moments could have been much worse, and that there are those among us who are facing, or have gone through, far greater struggles.

But, all that aside 2013 will go down in my memory as another very blessed year. Although at times there were some pretty scary moments I made it through it with the help and love of my family and friends. I have so much more to be grateful for and I choose to focus on that, rather than give attention to the adverse things or people in my life. Life is about choice after all, and I’m in the driver’s seat as far as my own happiness! 

So if I have a New Year’s resolution it would be just one…to be happy! To make the most of each and every day I am lucky enough to be a part of. I figure if I can do that one simple thing, everything else is easy-peasy. It’s like its own special snowball effect. If I’m in a “good mood” those around me usually are. If I smile at someone—even a stranger at the store, they usually smile back. A simple act of kindness on my part may change someone else’s life, or at the very least their day.

So for 2014 I’m going to let all the little things be just that. I’m not going to worry about my weight, or my graying hair. (Okay, I may worry about that one a little, lol.) Or worry about being a top selling author, or whether or not readers will love my books. Some will, but just as certainly some won’t. I’m merely going to do the very best I can at everything I do in 2014. I mean really, I can’t do more than that now, can I?

I want to thank all of you who take the time to read this blog. YOU are the reason I keep writing! 

My wish for everyone reading this is that 2014 is a year in which you too, choose to be happy! Make 2014 the very best year that you can!

Much love & many hugs,

Happy New Year!

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