Hi All,
Well, looking at the calendar there is no moon to
talk about this week. But we are working towards a full moon in a little bit so
you should be working on Manifesting. The full moon marks the night when
manifesting energy is at its highest. The night after the full moon is time to
banish what isn’t serving your highest good. I know it can be confusing. I have
to look it up a lot to remind myself when I get out of practice.
From what I have been hearing from other healers and
psychics is we are entering, this year, a time of compassion and when things
start to move for all of us. Last year was pretty stale and we were discovering
our lessons and what it is we are working on. Well, this year if you’ve done
your homework, or are in the process of doing your work, things are going to
start happening! Now, if you are like me you are saying, “About time!” right? I
have no patience what-so-ever when I’m pretty sure of what I want. I’m a, “See,
Want, Have” kinda girl.
Compassion. What are we talking about here?
As defined by Webster… Compassion : sympathetic
consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.
Now this is linked with the heart chakra and using
the compassion energy from that chakra in everyday life. This is part of the
energy shift we are going through as a planet. It’s a more female energy than
what we are all used to. Male energy has ruled for a long time and this shift
is going to put us all in a different way of thinking. It’s no longer all about
me. It’s, what I do effects the greater good, so how can I make the most of
what I do? Is what I do in this moment for my greatest good? We are human and
not saints or angels. So it’s ok to not feel this way 100% of the time. To have
“me” time is okay and to do things for “me” is okay too. A day of lazy is okay
if that’s what you need do to recharge.
Kuan Yin is the goddess of Compassion. Call on her
for help. Mother Mary can also help you with all matters with love, compassion,
and releasing that which isn’t helping you in this area.
Well I took a break while writing this to give a
reading to a client. It never amazes me that I need to remember rule #1 and
remember it’s not my information to judge, or figure out. Just speak what you
get and say it. I was kinda holding back because I got a name of a man and it
didn’t feel right at this reading, but I was wrong, it was as it should have
been. I asked the client did the man’s name mean anything to her, and she was
like “No, No man in the family, but the family is connected to a town with that
name...Hello! Yep, I had to laugh at myself for trying to fit the information
in and guessing where it was to go, and not just saying it and letting her
figure it out. Well from that point on I told her that the information I get is
for me to speak and for her to put together. So I came up with a few more
pieces, but the one that struck home the most was describing hunting and the
dog that went hunting with her loved ones that were crossed over. I love when
the guides give me something to describe that only the person knows. The dog I
told her about was the dog her father had owned and she even knew the name. Amazing!
I am so
blessed. I wish I had more clients so I could do this more than here and
there…So call me people…lol!
I will be in Eau Claire, WI at the Best Western the
weekend after Easter on Saturday. There is a link on my website for more
information. It’s a spring psychic fair. It will be fun! I can’t wait to see my
friends at Maple House Arts. I will have copies of Mystic Monday the Book to
sign and sell.
Did I tell you guys I do parties? Well I do, so go
see the website and get your date booked.
Blessings All,
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