Monday, June 2, 2014

Mystic Monday

Hi All,

Let’s jump right into dates to know.

Savannah wanted to know when the full moon is, it’s on Friday the 13th. So start putting together your list of what you want to attract into your life! The new moon just passed last Wednesday.

So this week let’s talk Road Trips and Ghost Hunting in Wisconsin & Michigan!
Because I grew up Yooper, let’s start there. 

Copper Harbor, the very tip of the U.P. has Fort Wilkins State Park. It’s a great place to camp at and visit for the weekend. Walking through a self-guided tour you can pick up on all kinds of spirit energy. The captain’s quarters and the areas that housed families are hot spots. I picked up on a little girl running around and then felt like I was being followed by a soldier. So take plenty of pictures and see what comes up.

There is a cemetery just outside of Calumet going north. I believe it is on the way to Ameek. It will be on the right hand side as you are driving toward Ameek. Very peaceful and a great place to just sit at night and listen to what is going on there. We continued up the road through Ameek and hit another cemetery in the area which was haunted. There was a ghost of a young man there telling us to get out. There was also a soldier standing toward the back of the yard.

Calumet, MI . If you make it to Calumet stop in at the Oak Street Inn and say hi to Stacey Flood for me. Tell her I sent you. Stacey and I grew up together and she can tell you many area stories and send you to places off the beaten path. Now her Inn is haunted, and I’m sure when I go up this July she will talk me into some time trying to communicate with the resident ghost.

Calumet has a lot of history so many of the buildings up there have history and energy to them. Go check out the Calumet Theater. I have not been in there since I was a kid so it is on my “to do” list for the next visit. But it is rumored to be highly haunted with activity.

Paulding, MI. just across the Wisconsin boarder.

Paulding Lights. You must see these. There is a little dirt road that dead ends and every night there are people there to see the lights. Now, I’ve seen the lights as a little girl and I’ve been there a few years ago with some friends. I don’t believe the lights are ghosts because I would think I would have picked up on it. However, I do not believe they are lights from the nearby highway as I have seen the light travel at high speeds shoot up into the sky, change colors  from white, to red, to yellow and slam down into the earth only to surface again and come toward the crowd and then disappear. So do some homework and believe what you want, but you need to go experience this for yourself.


Vilas county.

Summerwind Mansion:  The only thing left of the building is the foundation but WOW! Is all I can say. I was scared to go out there because I had heard rumors of occult and then angry Native American spirits. Yeah, you will pick up on the Native American energy there, but I also picked up on a little girl and a woman there. I didn’t have anything evil or negative happen while I was there. Do some research if you want on this place before you go. 

I have a friend that partied on the property back in the 80’s before it burned and she said they were inside descending the stairs when she and the girl behind her were pushed. As three cars of teenagers were driving out from the party, hers being the last car and they were the last to leave as in nobody else was there to follow them out, she said car lights came out of nowhere to follow them down the driveway. This is a “must see” place if you do investigations. Lots of activity. We actually felt warmth in the fireplace with no fire being lit there in years. There was a murder on the property, so again, look into the history and then go.

Hayward, WI

Ghost Island is haunted as it was a Native American burial ground. Now, I have this still on my “Go to” list and hope to get there this summer.

Capone’s Hideout. Now closed was highly haunted. Mobsters everywhere on the property. I’m so sad this place closed to the public and hope one day it will reopen. 

Stevens Point, WI

Kristin’s River Walk. Okay, Kris is a good friend of mine so if you stop in tell her I say hi. Her place has a lot of activity. Ghosts have been known to make a mess of already set tables and it is one of their favorite past times. The ladies bathroom is also rumored to have a ghost but I haven’t had anything happen in there, I just don’t like going in there. There is a shopkeeper, a little girl, a little boy and a man by the name of Mr. G there. Ask Kristin about them. Also while you are there pick up a copy of Mystic Monday the Book, as Kris has them for sale there. 

The Portage County Library located close to Kristin’s. It is haunted by a man in a fedora and there is a picture of him upstairs on the second floor. I had the chance to investigate here with Stevens Point Paranormal Club and we had a great time. The library had the team back to teach a class on investigating. So check it out and I’m sure the staff will answer questions.

Hwy 66… Bloody Bride Bridge located near Jordan park. This was the place that started the Stevens Point Paranormal Club’s founder Freddy when I posted pictures on Facebook of the bench and the outline of a woman sitting next to me. Rumor is if you drive over the bridge slowly after midnight a bride will appear in your car or on the road needing a ride. I don’t know about that, but I can say there is a few ghosts hanging around the trails that lead to the bench and a woman is there. So take your camera and take pictures while you are sitting at the bench. You might just catch her in a picture.

Club Forest on Hwy 54 going towards Wisconsin Rapids is haunted by a ghost called Melvin. He watches out for the women on staff. He’s been known to bang things around or tip stools. The history of this place has the mob tied to it as there were small houses out back where the mob kept women for pleasure. The woman on staff will tell you stories about Melvin so don’t be afraid to ask.

Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Mead Hotel the bar area is haunted by a man and he roams the first floor. He has been known to bother people sitting at the bar. We had an expo there and I didn’t stay there, but many of the healers and psychics that did had problems sleeping and relaxing because of the stuff he was pulling.

First Ward School/Irving School. Must go! Highly haunted and you won’t leave without some evidence of ghosts. I have collected multiple voice recordings, had amazing flashlight communication sessions and some pretty cool pictures from this location. Justin will do tours for a small price that is put back into fixing the place for a future Bed and Breakfast. So check it out. I love it there.

Pittsville, WI County Road E

Powers Bluff: This park was at one time Native American spiritual grounds for all types of celebrations. There is a ring of pine trees that has awesome energy to assist in energy work if you stand in the middle of them. Walking around the park you can pick up on many other earth spirits and Native Americans still there. Very powerful energy around the park, so it would make a wonderful place to do Reiki classes or sessions at.

Milwaukee, WI

If you take the kids to the Zoo stop in and check out the Pabst Mansion. I felt the presence of a little girl and a woman there. The woman I believe is Mrs. Pabst as she was telling me things about the house before the tour guide got to them.

Now, there are many other places around Wisconsin so maybe in another blog we will visit some. Some from this blog are posted in past blogs so do some digging and there will be some photos. 

Have an amazing week all. I think I need to road trip this summer! More travel tips next week as I could go on and on. Right now I’m already thinking of a few I missed.


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